
Front-End Web Developer

I'm a designer and developer for the front-end of the internet.
This is my little website showing off what I have done, and what I can do.
Take a look around!

More Information

About Me

Based in Toronto, Canada, I work on programming the front-end of Web Pages and Applications. I develop efficient and functional pages that are responsive, and user friendly, focusing on designs that are simple, clean, and can transition from portable devices, to large desktop monitors, and anything in between.

From time to time, I write tutorials and blog about front-end development at my wordpress page. I also experiment and practice with different styles, languages, and techniques, as well as viewing codes from other users at codepen.

Contact Me

If you need to reach me, I love reading e-mails. You can also leave a comment at my blog page.

Technical Skills

    Computer Programs
  •   Dreamweaver
  •   Photoshop
    Programming Languages
  •   HTML / HTML5
  •   CSS / CSS3
  •   Javascript
    Front-end Frameworks
  •   Bootstrap
  •   Foundation
    Javascript Libraries
  •    jQuery / jQuery UI
  •    Angular.js
  •    Bounce.js

and if you're really bored, you can view an older design of this webpage